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IMI Crittical Engineering UV / SV

IMI Crittical Engineering UV / SV

Preheater bypass system

To improve the efficiency of a steam generator, water is pressurised and pre-heated before being fed into the boiler. The heat exchangers in this feed water system need to be protected in case there is a rupture between the steam heating pipes and the water circulation , such a rupture would severely damage downstream equipment including the turbines. The pre-heater is protected by a bypass system that diverts the feed water around the heat exchanger in the event of a problem thus protecting the entire system.

  • Easy maintenance and long life.
  • Monolithic body design to avoid weld joints and for cost effectiveness.
  • Modular design of the valve to meet customer specifications and requirements.
  • Inlet, outlet and bypass connections to match the dimensions and material of the pipework.